Whether your furniture is old or new, a hand-me down, or bought at a charity shop, we all have accidents. It could be you have a plant you've watered and didn't realise the water had overflowed, or your cup of tea has left rings on the furniture. Water stains are a pain but there's no need to throw it away or pain it!
We've got a genius idea that can help you get rid of those pesky water stains in no time at all: just put a hot iron on them.
It may sound weird, but it works like a charm. First, lay a towel or cotton clothing item over the stained portion of furniture—just make sure it covers everything well enough so that the steam from your iron won't leak out from under it. Then iron the cloth for just a few seconds—you don't want to burn anything! Let it sit for about a minute under the now hot cloth, and then check on its progress. Repeat until the stain disappears completely.