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Наші Послуги
Dusting, including skirting boards and picture frames
Vacuuming Carpets
Mopping Floors
Wiping Hobs and Oven Doors
Wiping Surfaces, Doors, Kitchen & Cupboards
Cleaning out the Fridge
Deep Cleaning (as part of a regular contract only)
Making Beds
Ironing (in your own home)
Window Cleaning (inside only)
Toilet Cleaning
Polish Wooden Furniture
and much more.......

Наші послуги прості та ефективні... ми пропонуємо просту, надійну та безпечну послугу прибирання будинку щотижня або раз на два тижні.

Need Your Oven Cleaned?
Happily recommend Phil Cooper, who delivers a first class service.
Oven Wizards Chester and The Wirral
Contact: Phil Cooper
Telephone: 01517212030
Mobile: 07812 252533
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